Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 6 Final words from Elder Dustin Hatch

It is crazy to think that this is the last time that I will send an e-mail before I am home. I am having a little bit of a hard time getting my thoughts in order and putting them into words. My mission has and will forever change my life and there is nothing that else that could have helped me as much as serving the Lord. I have had so many different experiances over the past two years that have helped me strech and grow. I have been put into situations that have required me to forget about myself and serve others. I have had to work harder than I have ever worked before in my life, but I am so glad that I all ready had a good work ethic. I have met many people and have grown to love them very much, there are many people that have changed my life forever and I look forward to being able to know them for the rest of this life and the life to come. I have been able to live in some of the prettiest country perhaps on the planet. I have been able to be a part of people accepting the Gospel. However the best thing that has happened to me over these past couple of years is that I have really strengthened my testimony of my Savior and of the Gospel. There is nothing better than being able to feel the love that the Savior has for all of his children.
I am so thankful that I have had the support of an awesome family. There have been times that your love and prayers for me kept me going. I am so glad that I had the great example of many in our family of serving missions. The experiances that I have had have really allowed me to be able to grow in the gospel. There is no doubt in my mind that missionary service is an inspired thing.
I know that this Gospel is true. I know that we are children of a loving Heavenly Father. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that because of the Atonement we will all be able to return to live with Him and with our Father again. I know that Joseph Smith was called to be a Prophet and to Restore the gospel in these days. I know that President Monson really is a prophet. I know that this really is the Church of Jesus Christ.
I love you all and am so excited to see you!

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