Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 1 - 7

Hello Again!
Well as you can guess I am starting to get really excited for this weekend. I remember when Erik and Mikael got to call home and how it was always exciting but I think  that I get more excited on this end. A little bit selfish maybe but such is life.
Things with Elder Osgood are going really well. I really can feel the insparation in our companionship. President Morby sent me an e-mail and told me that I was going to be a blessing in Elder Osgoods life because I have a very positive attitude and a great love for people. It is constantly blowing my mind how much President and Sister Morby know each of us and what we struggle with. They are such wonderful people! In their e-mail this week he asked us to tell you how much he is grateful for all that you do to support us and for allowing us to come out and be so dedicated to the work here in the OPM (Oregon Portlan Mission). I really have to add my gratitude to President Morby's. You are really the best earthly suport that I could ask for. I am still able to have my independance and am able to focus on the work but I know that if I need anything that all I have to do is ask and you will come through. So thanks for being who you are and thanks for all the prayers and love
This week was a good week. Sister Smith got us tickets to the play Suessical. Their daughter Shane (yes that is a girls name) is in it. It was really funny. It is based on several Dr Suess books. They did a great job!  We also are finding more success!! I am so happy that we are starting to see the work pick up. It is interesting how when we follow the council of our leaders that we are successful.  When Elder Osgood and I got put together we started to go out and contact less actives that the Dayton Ward had asked us to visit several times but we hadn't. We now have people that have invited us back and we have work to do!
As a goal for the mission President Morby set a goal of 600 baptisms for the year of 2012. This is up about 60 from last year. We are currently behind on our goal (at least a month ago we were) so they started a new and temparary program to give a little extra motivation. The Zone that has the highest percentage of increse in baptisms for the month gets to go to the mission home and watch a Disney move and have root beer floats with President and Sister Morby. And all Zones that have an increase get to get together and watch a movie at the church. Well yesterday we got to drive to Silverton and watch Tarzan as a zone. This is the first of three possible chances to watch a movie. It was a really fun p-day.
So the pictures this week are first Elder Osgood and I after our walk this morning. The other is a pink flamingo on top of a tree that I think is bigger than the one in front of Carolines house by Grandpa & Grandma Hatch's. It made me laugh so hard.
I love you all very much and know that I pray for you everyday.
Love Dustin

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